Rebecca Rose Rebecca Rose

Tips for a Peaceful Holiday: 5 Easy Tips to Share With Your Veterinary Team 

Tips for a Peaceful Holiday:

5 easy tips to share with your veterinary team

The holidays are filled with hustle and bustle. While some might take delight in these exciting times, others may become overwhelmed. Tranquility can be found during this time if you know where to look for it. 

The following are some tips for a peaceful holiday season.


Finding moments of stillness can be challenging during the months of November and December. You are encouraged to heat a cup of hot chocolate, place a spoonful of whipped topping on it, sprinkle with cinnamon and relax on the couch. Just you and your soothing, comforting cup of coco. Ahh, peace and quiet! 

While it may last for just a moment, or an entire afternoon, recognize the time as yours and be grateful in it!


Holidays can be a financially stressful time. However, gifts aren’t always tangible. Just look around and you’ll discover an abundance of wonderful gifts. 

A sincere hug, a kind smile, belly laughing with a friend, opening the door for a stranger or saying a meaningful thank you are equally important gestures this time of year. Being genuine and offering heartfelt acts of kindness spread an abundance of cheer. Who will you hug or thank today? What can you freely offer?


Exercising comes in all shapes and sizes. When schedules become heavily laden, we may consider cutting out the exercise routine to open-up some time. While it may not be the best choice, it happens. 

For these months, consider unique, effective ways to burn a few calories to offset the eggnog and cream cheese pie.

*Dance in the kitchen to your cherished holiday songs (this is my all-time favorite, regardless of the season!)

* Take the stairs instead of the elevators

* Park in the farthest row away from the store’s entrance

* Do slight knee bends or walk in place while standing in line at the grocery store

* After the holiday dinner, instead of lounging in a chair, go for a walk around the neighborhood with someone you want to visit with, like a friend or relative.


Recalling some of your beloved holiday memories will surely bring a smile to your face and a song to your heart. Reminisce with family and friends. Recreate the childhood events and maybe even start new traditions. 

I vividly recall heading into the mountains with the kids to chop down our Christmas tree and stuffing it in the trunk of my Honda Accord. Family portraits were fun, but that depends upon who you ask! 

Watching a Christmas Carol with Ralphie and the Gang is a classic! How about making a few, special gifts? One year we braided yarn and placed licorice scented decorations on it. Simple, yet from the heart. 

My mother still bakes hundreds of cookies (literally) and puts together the most incredible tins of hand-baked cookies you have ever seen! The hours of time it took us to frost and decorate all those cookies when we were children, oh my! And yet I remember it as if it were YESTERDAY!

What are your fondest memories? Join and share with us on VetTeamsLivingWell, our closed Facebook Page building a strong networking in Living Well.  


Above all, find gratitude in this time and apply the “KISS” principle. By keeping more of your holiday moments simple, I am confident your time will feel far more peaceful.

Yours in a simpler, wonderful Holiday Season,

Rebecca Rose, RVT

Founder VTLW

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